Jan 31, 2016

Studies Prove Hillary Clinton Makes Bad Decisions Because of Her Wealth!

Hillary & Bill Clinton Make BAD Decisions 1 - Imprisoning Black People 
Hillary & Bill Clinton Make BAD Decisions 2 - Bill Paved The Way For The Financial Collapse Of 2008 
Hillary & Bill Clinton Make BAD Decisions 3 - Against & Then FOR LGBT Rights

Studies have shown that wealthy people make bad decisions because wealth has skewed their perception of reality.


Harvard: The 'Luxury Prime: How Luxury Changes People

Harvard: The Devil Wears Prada? Effects of Exposure to Luxury Goods On Cognition & Decision Making

Scientific American: How Wealth Reduces Compassion

Lets begin.

Hillary talks about how she was one poor. You know back in the days when her husband was a lowly governor and she only made $92,000 a year (poor woman). I'm sure compared to thier super yacht owning friends she was poor, however for the vast majority of Americans, many of whom the Clinton's put in prison and then paved the path to destroy the countries wealth with banking deregulation, the Clinton's have clearly been rich alot longer than when they THINK they became wealthy. Another example of wealth skewing perception. (See a list of bad decisions in the list of posts below)

The Clintons did not move into the White House with old money akin to the political dynasties of the Roosevelts, Kennedys and Bushes. And unlike nearly every other president, Clinton’s wife was the breadwinner ahead of his run for the Oval Office.
Clinton sought a political career not long after graduating from Yale Law School in 1973 and marrying Hillary Rodham two years later, first winning a term as Arkansas’ attorney general in 1976 and following it up with five terms as governor.
He earned $35,000 a year as governor, consistent with the lower pay of other Southern governors, as well as some speaking fees, honorariums and in-kind income, such as living in the governor’s residence. Hillary Clinton, then a lawyer and senior partner in the Rose Law Firm of Little Rock, earned $92,000 salary and listed her share of her law firm’s profit-sharing and retirement plan between $100,001 and $250,000, according to a New York Times examination of the couple’s finances in 1992.

Since Clinton left the Presidency on 2000 thier wealth has increased even more;

Continued from Politifact; Nowadays, the Clintons are not known for living on modest means. A Washington Post report says Bill Clinton earned more than $100 million from speeches given in the U.S. and abroad between January 2001, when he left office, and January 2013, when Hillary Clinton left her role as Secretary of State. She reportedly draws $200,000 for each public appearance, a new talking point among pundits who oppose her potential 2016 presidential candidacy.
Clinton is considered the wealthiest living president and among the top-10 all-time wealthiest, with the Clintons’ combined net worth at about $55 million, according to the website 24/7 Wall Street, which started evaluating the net worth of presidents in 2010.

A note on the Republican style derugulation Bill did while in office that led to the financial collapse (which I covered here);

Alternet Article: In 1999, Bill Clinton made repealing the Depression-era Glass-SteagallAct — which separated commercial and investment banking — a priority. He commanded a bipartisan push in repealing the law, which was primarily advocated for by Wall Street lobbyists. Not long after his pen hit the paper to repeal the law, Citigroup, a top beneficiary of the repeal, recruited Clinton’s Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin to join as an executive at the firm. Rubin went on to be one of Citigroup’s highest-paid officials, pulling in $115 million in pay from 1999 and 2008.

While Rubin was made rich from Wall Street deregulation, his boss went on the lecture circuit. In February of 2001, Clinton had been out of the White House for less than a month when he gave his first paid speech, to none other than Morgan Stanley — another beneficiary of and advocate for Clinton’s Wall Street deregulation — for$125,000. His next address in Manhattan was at Credit Suisse First Boston, which gave him an additional $125,000. His paid speaking arrangements took him around the world, from Canada to Hong Kong, speaking to a variety of interest groups with major public policy interests, including the American Israel Chamber of Commerce and the investment banking giant CLSA. Clinton had also made passing the North American Free Trade Agreement a priority during his presidency, so it is no surprise that major Canadian firms such as the Jim Pattison Group ($150,000) were happy to pay to hear a few remarks from him as well.
The Wall Street payments were significant in that they represented a form of gratitude not only for Bill Clinton’s deregulation of Wall Street. That year Hillary Clinton, now a senator from New York, voted for a bankruptcy bill that made it much harder for people to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy; the bill was backed primarily by banks and credit card issuers.

Overview of Hillary's & Bill's Bad Decision Making Skills (History)

Hillary Clinton Makes Bad Decisions (Proofs)

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