Mar 1, 2024

2017-18: Deciphering the Unknown: The First Three Declassified UAP/UFO Videos by the Pentagon (With AI Art)

In a move that significantly shifted public discourse and perception regarding unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), formerly known as UFOs, the Pentagon took an unprecedented step in 2020 by declassifying three videos captured by U.S. Navy pilots.

These videos, showcasing encounters with objects that appeared to defy conventional flight characteristics, ignited a global conversation about the presence and understanding of UAPs. Watch news reports about these video here.

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2017: The FLIR1 Video (2004)

The first video, known as FLIR1, captures an incident from November 2004 involving the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group off the coast of San Diego, California. 

Navy pilots operating an F/A-18 Super Hornet encountered an object that came to be known as the "Tic Tac" due to its elongated oval shape, resembling the popular candy. 

The object demonstrated extraordinary aerodynamic capabilities, moving without any visible wings, rotors, or propulsion systems and accelerating with speeds far beyond that of known aircraft. 

The video, taken by the jet's Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) system, shows the object moving rapidly across the ocean surface, then suddenly ascending and accelerating out of view, leaving pilots and the world puzzled about its technological origins.

Related blog post: Analysis Of 1st UFO/UAP Video "FLIR1", Outlining Its Physics Defying Characteristics

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2017: The GIMBAL Video (2015)

The second video, dubbed GIMBAL, was recorded in January 2015 on the East Coast of the United States by an F/A-18 Super Hornet's advanced targeting forward-looking infrared (ATFLIR) pod. 

The video showcases an object that appears to rotate while maintaining a steady flight path—behavior that is unconventional for standard aircraft. 

The pilots and radar operators observed the UAP amidst a series of encounters over several days, noting its extraordinary flight characteristics and the lack of visible propulsion. 

The term "gimbal" refers to the gimbal mechanism of the ATFLIR pod, yet the rotating movement observed is attributed to the UAP itself, making this sighting particularly intriguing for its display of advanced aerodynamics and physics-defying maneuvers.

Related blog post: Analysis Of 2nd UFO/UAP Video "Gimbal", Outlining Its Physics Defying Characteristics

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2018: The GOFAST Video (2015)

The third video, named GOFAST, also emerged from encounters in 2015, showing an object skimming over the ocean at incredible speed. 

Captured by an ATFLIR pod aboard a Navy F/A-18, the video features audio from the pilots expressing astonishment at the UAP's speed and maneuverability. 

The object is seen moving so rapidly that the pilots have difficulty locking onto it with their sensor. 

Analysis suggests the object was moving at a velocity much higher than any known aircraft, again without any visible means of propulsion or lift, highlighting the technological enigma these UAPs represent.

Related blog post: Analysis Of 3rd UFO/UAP Video "Go Fast", Outlining Its Physics Defying Characteristics

Implications and Reactions

The declassification of these videos by the Pentagon marked a significant moment in the study and public perception of UAPs. 

By acknowledging these encounters, the Department of Defense (DoD) not only validated the experiences of military personnel but also opened the door for more transparent research and dialogue regarding unidentified aerial phenomena. 

The release led to the establishment of a UAP Task Force, aimed at standardizing the collection and reporting of UAP sightings, reflecting a growing governmental and scientific interest in understanding these phenomena.

The videos have fueled widespread speculation, debate, and interest among the public, scientists, and government officials alike. 

While some view the UAPs as evidence of extraterrestrial technology, others speculate about advanced, undisclosed human-made aircraft or drones. 

However, the lack of definitive explanations for the objects' origins and capabilities continues to challenge existing knowledge and understanding.

The release of the FLIR1, GIMBAL, and GOFAST videos has not only shed light on the encounters themselves but also on the broader implications for security, technology, and the need for a coordinated response to UAP sightings. 

As investigations continue and more data becomes available, these videos stand as a testament to the complexities of the skies above and the pursuit of understanding phenomena that remain, for now, just beyond our reach.

Note: Following these initial releases, additional footage and encounters have been gradually acknowledged and shared by the Pentagon and the U.S. Navy, contributing to a growing database of UAP sightings.

Related Posts:

60 Minutes Interviews The Navy Pilots Connected To The Declassified UAP/UFO Videos

News Reports About The Pentagons First 3 Declassified UAP/UFO Videos from CNN. CBS, CNBC, ABC & Fox News

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