Mar 9, 2013

5 Videos & 1 Image Illustrating How The US TV News Media Manufactures Conflicts for Viewers

Background: 4 Video's Showing That Most People In The Media Are Just Script Readers 

From Bill Moyers: How big money and big media have coupled to create a ‘Disney World’ of democracy....

Big money and big media have coupled to create a ‘Disney World’ of democracy in which TV shows, televised debates, even news coverage is being dumbed down, resulting in a public less informed than it should be, says Marty Kaplan, director of USC’s Norman Lear Center and an entertainment industry veteran. Bill Moyers talks with Kaplan about how taking news out of the journalism box and placing it in the entertainment box is hurting democracy and allowing special interest groups to manipulate the system.

Because of a 24 hr news cycle one of the problems is that conflict MUST be manufactured to keep viewers (yet, it's not like there's no news to tell - see last video)?...

Media outlets and pundits try to inflame black/brown issues, or in Edwards case, an orange-tan issue...

Chris Christie continues to answer the media's ridiculous questions...

The inscrutable Chris Christie continues to confound pundits hoping for a straight answer regarding his intentions to run for president...

Watch the first 50 seconds of the following video and you will notice that one particular person (Ron Paul) is ignored even though he came within 200 votes of winning the straw poll BY ALMOST EVERYONE...

'The media consistently treats Ron Paul like 'he is the thirteenth floor in a hotel',' Jon Stewart ...yet he is the one that planted the grassroots that the establishment republicans are benefiting from now. Why is that? This is an example of a reversal. Where conflict is actually avoided in favor of a very strange primary which was noticed, in the mainstream media, only by Rachel Maddow (or so it seems).

All of media is inter-connected...

{ The above image is edited from "Capitalism Visualized" - I found the link to the above image from (at the bottom of this page) }

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