Mar 12, 2017

Dick Cheney Exposed With The Daily Show - Part 3 (2001)

Part 2: Dick Cheney Exposed With The Daily Show - Part 2

Part 3...

HEADLINES - GAS HOLE MAY 9, 2001 - Vice President Dick Cheney presents the administration's long term energy plans which, in the long term, will eliminate Americans. (3:46)

HEADLINES - RIGHT MAKES LIGHT JULY 18, 2001 - Dick Cheney tells Americans to conserve energy while spending $186,000 a year to keep his own home lit. (2:29) 

MOMENT OF ZEN - ENERGY POLICY JULY 18, 2001 - Dick Cheney explains that there are ways to conserve energy and still maintain the American way of life. (0:22)

ANWR DRILLING JULY 18, 2001 - Steve Carell explores Dick Cheney's fully loaded, state-of-the-art crib. (2:59)


MOMENT OF ZEN - CHENEY'S HEALTH PRECAUTIONS MARCH 6, 2001 - Dick Cheney talks about precautions he has taken to safeguard his health. (0:21)

HEADLINES - HEART OF GLASS MARCH 8, 2001 - Vice President Dick Cheney is released from the hospital just two days after undergoing an angioplasty. (3:28)

MOMENT OF ZEN - DICK CHENEY'S BUTCHER APRIL 9, 2001 - Dick Cheney claims to be a paragon of health on "Meet the Press." (0:19)

Dick Cheney

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